Be Inspired

Exercise takes motivation.  Simple, annoying fact, but it’s true. 

You either have motivation or you don’t. If you are not motivated, seek out ways to fix this.

Surround yourself with inspiring people, people who challenge you to be better, to achieve more, and do more. 

I am in the fortunate situation of being a fitness instructor during my spare time.  This allows me to motivate other people.  I am also lucky to have met an amazing group of people through this journey who inspire and motivate me, through their dedication, their drive and their support.  They help me to better myself, and for that I am grateful.

A healthy body is unable to survive without a healthy mind, so get rid of the people who put you down, and start finding the inspirations in your life.

Without this sounding mean, use the people who you don’t respect as well as your inspiration to never be like that. 

Find the workout that is right for you, what is right for me may not be for you, if it is not right for you, you won’t do it. 

Inspire yourself through music, design your perfect playlist.  Dress in clothes that you feel good in.  You won’t work out if you feel unattractive doing it.

Listen to yourself and not what others tell you to do.  Do what is right for you.

Inspire and motivate yourselves with realistic goals, aiming too high and failing will not inspire you to keep going on your journey.

Start being the change you want to see in yourself.  Talking and wishing yourself to exercise wont help you reach your target.

Follow your own footsteps, find your inspiration and start mapping out a path to a healthier you.

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